CST-frequency domain solver
Thank you in advance!
cst has time domain solver for non resonant structures and frequency domain solver for highly resonant structures
so depending on your structure you can choose the appropriate one
also if your structure is not highly resonant you can simulate it in both solvers and then validate the results with both solvers.
i hope this answer your question
the best guide for you is CST help.you can find the difference between two solver. thay are totaly different. I think in frequency solver working on different mode is easer. when you use two solver you can assure your structure is appropriate. even in many case you must use different simulator to confirm your structure is working.
also if you use frequency domain solver you have the option of utilizing tetrahedral mesh which is not available within time domain solver.
in short you can find all this information in the cst help files
Set the frequency range into the appropriate window (the icon with a sinus wave) - dont forget to start after the cutoff frequency! In the frequency domain solver the smaller the frequecy the faster the simulation is.
Then you open the !F window, you can leave the settings as they are - default. Just click on "adaptative tetrahedral mesh refinement", and on use "broadband frequency sweep".
Please note this simulation may take longer than the other ones done with the transient solver.
good luck!