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How to design a band stop filter for 75-120 KHz

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
can anyone suggest me how to design a band stop filter (passive)for frequency between 75khz and 120 khz. having attenuation of 60db.

I m very new to filter design.
Please help


I suggest you to download this book:

Analog and digital filter design / Steve Winder.-2nd ed.

7th chapter covers bandstop structures, but if this is your the first time to do filter design, you should read previous chapters.

You may find it Download section.

You did only specify the stopband (if I understand right), you must also specify the passband, then it will turn out if this is a simple filter or a critical design.

Can you use a digital filter? Analog filter components could end up being rather large for this frequency.

Hello navya,

Use a quartz crystal band stop filter when a narrow band & low frequency filter is required... Moreover, center frequencies can be from 5 KHz to 600 MHz....

Nuhertz Filter Solutions, Filter Synthesis tool helps you to get the required topologies...Here is the link for download



As FvM said, you have to specify passband requirement along with stopband requirement. It may turn out to be a very simple filter after you specify passband. As the frquency range you talked about and the stop band bandwidth, it looks like a LC filter to me.

Added after 1 minutes:

By the way, crystal filter is only for narrow band applications so it won't work for your requirement.

if you have MATLAB, check to see if you have the "Filter Design and Analysis Toolbox"; Type: fdatool at the matlab command prompt, it's a pretty good filter design GUI although its made for doing digital filters but you can get the transfer function

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