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hfss cut object

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have a two port system. Under "Edit Sources" I know I can plot various fields with the ability to Weight and Phase Shift the original input of 1W in either or both ports.

However, In my system an external control circuit puts power to the ports and what matters for me is to generate a field plot that is the square root of the sum of the squares of the field when 1 port is excited and the other is not, and vice versa,

IE: H_total_field = SQRT[(H_field(port 1=1W, port 2=0W))^2 + (H_field(port 1=0W, port 2=1W))^2]

So, is there anyway to generate a plot based on a field calculation that is a function of what port is driven?

any thoughts appreciated... thanks

%Side Note

I have developed a somewhat workaround by saving the 2 field plots as .dsp files(the only way to export field data in hfss?). The .dsp file contains the nodes and solution data which I parse the solution data out and format it into a matlab variable. I do the calculation in matlab and write the output to a file, and paste it back in by hand into one of the original .dsp files, (overwriting the old solution data). I can then load this back into HFSS. There are a few caveats with this method, 1) The plot of course is no longer 'linked' to hfss data and thus no longer modifiable in any way and its icon in the Field Quantity tree appears greyed out. and 2) you better hope each field plot contains the exact same amount of variables so matlab can do the calculation.

This method appears to be accurate but it's nowhere near what I would consider a reliable method.

I am using HFSS v10.1 - Does HFSS v11 include this ability?

I need to handle the HFSS's .dsp file. I know "Node" present the position (x,y,z) in the model. But I'm NOT sure what's the meaning of "Element" and "ElemSolution" in the dsp file. Can you tell me?

I believe there using a NASTRAN type format where "Node" is the position like you said, and "Element" is the array of interconnections (which of the nodes are linked as tetrahedra),

"ElemSolution" contains your field plot data. The actual data starts after the third entry. you will notice the first two values for elemsolution are some numbers, and the third value of elemsolution is a single digit. After this single digit number, the rest of the values is your field plot data.

If you want to work with data like this in matlab, your field data must all be from the same mesh/solution or the number of variables in elemsolution will be different. Once you process your data you can copy the result back into the .dsp and view it in hfss

etothe456t, thanks for your explaination. I'm still wondering about the detail of field data in "ElemSolution". The details in ?Nodes? is (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,...), isn't it? And How about the field data from the fourth one in "ElemSolution"? (Should be Ex,Ey,Ez?) Can I corespond the fields to the position in "Node"? Thanks again

Nodes is x,y,z format and Elements should contain the node #'s (you could check that the maximum value in Elements is scaled to the amount of total (x,y,z) points in Nodes. ie: if nodes contained 300 values, or 100 sets of x,y,z coordinates, that would mean Element should not have any values over 100.) And each element is described by a grouping of 3 (if triangles) or 4 (if tetrahedra) node numbers in 'Elements'

The way 'ElemSolution' is formatted is most likely different for different types of field plots (whether its on a 3D or 2D geometry). For example, my field plot that ive been working with is a scalar quantity on the built-in XY plane cut though a 3D object. The data in 'ElemSolution' contains no zero's, so its probably not formatted in a Ex,Ey,Ez type of way.

I think 'ElemSolution' could be formated such that the data correlates to the entry's in 'Elements' and 'Nodes', ie: the first value in 'ElemSolution' is for the first tetrahedron or triangle described by 'Elements' and 'Nodes'

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