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dipole antenna matlab

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi dear friends im from cyprus and i find this nice web siite and i have get good informations i have a project about half wave diople antenna my friens we have data and we need to draw it in matlab and im asking for :

who can use matlab if they can help me .. how to draw polar design for half wave dipole antenna using matlab i hope someone can help me to do it i have done it by excel by now we need it by matlab as well how can we use (GUI)
and i would like if u can advice me by books that talks about half wave dipole antenna
i hope that i can find a help my regards to every one

you can find this topic at any elementary antenna book.
these are some antenna book:
1- Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design - by Constantine A. Balanis
2- Antenna Theory and Design - by H. Paul Williams
3- Antenna Theory and Design - by Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele
4- The Handbook of Antenna Design - by Alan W. Rudge
5- Antenna Engineering Handbook - by Richard C. Johnson

you can find some contents of these books by google books search

thanks alot i hope i will find the way how to do it in matlab thanks for ur answer ... waiting for more answers good luck

t = 0:.01:2*pi;

Hi there
if you type pdetool in matlab command window, A GUI window open and you can easily draw your antenna
I hope it'll be help ful

dear pmin and ali
thanks alot for ur kind answers

assuming you have the MATLAB command interface up and running:

1. create an array of angles (in degrees) for the results:

>> a=[0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360]

2. create an array of pattern amplitudes (note this must have the same number of entires as the above array) - e.g.:

>> d = [0 5 6 10 20 30 40 30 25 12 10 5 0]

3. plot the results (convert degrees to radians)


note also the following neat trick. if you already have your data recorded elsewhere (like Excel), highlight the data in (say) Excel, copy (or ctrl-C), create a variable in MATLAB as follows:

>> x=[]

place the MATLAB cursor (|) in the square brackets and paste (or ctrl-V). this will insert the data into the array without having to type the numbers.

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