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question about IE3D simulation

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I heard that IE3D has a function that can show a percentage of efficiency of every part of antenna
(ex:antenna(100%)=main radiating patch(60%)+ground(40%))

Does anyone know how to use this function?


Hi, taude:

IE3D allows users to select some cells and find the radiation from the cells assuming the current is following as it is on the cells and other cells do not present. This is just for you to have some rough idea how much radiation it is with the current distribution for that part. The values may not be the exact representation of the radiated power. The issue is the following:

Asssume you have a structure C with give current distribution. You break the structure into 2 parts A and B with C = A + B.

Assuming the field from A is Ea and the radiated power is Pa.
Assuming the field from B is Eb and the radiated power is Pb.

You will see the radiated field from C = A + B is Ec, and

Ec = Ea + Eb (vector summation).

However, the radiated power of C or Pc is not the sum of Pa and Pb. Normally, Pc is smaller than the sum of Pa and Pb.

For the above reason, you can't tell how much power is radiated from a part of a structure. Fundamentally, the radiated power is from the whole structure. The whole structure is an entity and it is inseparable. The feature we provided on IE3D is just for you to have some rough idea on the radiation strength in part of a structure. It is not an exact measure.


Hi, jian
Thanks for your clear reply. Now I understand what the function actually does.

I think this function is good for me to understand the antenna characteristics even if the values may not be the exact representation of the radiated power.

Could you tell me how to show the values?


Hi, taude:

While you are displaying the current distribution or meshed structure in the current file on the 3D view window, you will have the meshed structure displayed on the 2D view, please select those cells you want to calculate the radiation, then select PROCESS->PATTERN CALCULATION. IE3D/MGRID will calculate the radiation pattern from the selected cells only. Regards,

thank you very much, jian

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