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How to simulate an invisibility cloak with COMSOL Multiphysics?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
have you ever tried to simulate an "invisibility cloak" with COMSOL Multiphysics?
Have you any advise or suggestion?
I have never use COMSOL before, and I don't know which module I have to use and so on.

Nearly all Invisibility Cloak simulations are based on COMSOL, but other numerical software should also be possible. At least it seems that CST can do this.

As for COMSOL, I think 2D In-plane application mode should work.

Hope this helps.

Hi wandering heart,
do you have any COMSOL model that I can use as a guide to draw my project? I have some problems with setting the PML boundaries.

You should read the manual, where PMLs setting is presented.
It's not difficult.

Do you know how can I simulate anisotropic permittivity and permeability? Can I give, for example, a .txt file as input of the permittivity and permeability values?

permittivity and permeability tensors are given in papers.

Yes, I know this, but my question is: how can I put the matrixes ε and μ in COMSOL?

I read the manual, but I did not find anything. If you know the way I can import in COMSOL the ε and μ tensors, you would help me.

Hi iaia,
Do you have any experience on definning point source on Inpalne TM-Polarized of the COMSOL software?
I have a problem on simulating a Hyperlens, I can explain more.

Hi myebook,
I have never tried to define a point source in COMSOL. Have you already read the manual? Can you explain better your problem?

My problem is similar. It seems that in 2D In-plane TE application mode, the permeability can be set as a tensor, but ε is still a scalar.

In the D In-plane TE application mode, E has only z-component, so no need to specify a permittivity tensor.


I see that several of you guys have similar problems: point source in TM and matrix values of epsilon and mu in 2D Comsol simulations.

Firstly, in order for a problem to be 2D it has to satisfy certain conditions.

1. you can't have a point source in a 2D problem. If you have a point source - it's 3D. If, however, you meant line source for TM, I think perhaps in Comsol you can't define magnetic line currents (while you can define electric currents). However, why do you have to do TM? Just do the TE simulation and exchange everything: H<->E, mu<->-epsilon, magnetic line currents<-> electric line currents.
This is perfectly good for perfect or hyperlenses (whatever you are doing). I know, because I tried it some time ago and it worked perfectly well. Just do the TE simulation and then say you did TM - it is really the same if you make the above substitutions.

2. epsilon and mu: write down the Maxwell equations with anisotropic eps and mu. Use the general (second rank tensor) for for eps and mu. See what conditions these tensors (matrices) have to satisfy so that the TE and TM modes can be decoupled. The block diagonal form in a given basis is a sufficient condition.
Then, write down the decoupled equations for the TE and TM fields. Then, you'll see what values (matrix elements) of eps and mu are relevant to the present case.
If you are lazy, just use the simple recipe:
TE case: eps_z, mu_xx, mu_xy, mu_yx and mu_yy matter. For TM its the opposite: mu_z, eps_xx, eps_xy, eps_yx and eps_yy. The other values are redundant so you don't need to specify them.


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