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definition of crosstalk

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

One definition: The presence of an unwanted signal via an accidental coupling, electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication.

The other definition: Crosstalk is a disturbance caused by the electric or magnetic fields of one telecommunication signal affecting a signal in an adjacent circuit.

It also seems to happen on the FOX network regularly.

Thanks so much..

Do anyone know how to detect crosstalk from simulation?or by test program ?whether its possible to detect?

If you are interested in cables cross-talk simulations the good trial will be to use EMC Studio Cross-Talk calculation module. You can review product information here:

EMC Studio

EMC Studio Cross-Talk Engine

Simulation example: Cross Talk Between Cables in Car

Simulation example: Pigtail Effect

Added after 26 minutes:

By the way, there is also good Intel presentation on Cross-Talk mechanism and typical cases overview available in Internet. I have it attached.

HI emc,

Your are so great,having so many information..i have click the help me button..thankyou

But how if the real time instrument to measure/decide crosstalk?

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