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moving the pass backward in HFSS?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all,

I ran an HFSS simulation and after 7 passes, it reached my convergence criteria. However, it could not run the frequency sweep (Fast sweep) due to out of memory.

Is it possible to get the mesh after 6 passes? I am just wondering if using the mesh after 6 passes would help reduce the memory significantly.

Would changing to interpolation sweep help?

Does anybody have any idea?


the proposed solution will converge at a certain number of Tetrahedra elements which strongly depend on the initial mesh of your model. The larger number of tetrahedra at the converging point serves a more accurate result.
You can change your setting to give convergence at a small number of Tetrahedra such as increase lambda refinement value. In opposite side, it also reduces the solution's accuracy.
Another way is reducing frequcency sweep range, it doesn't only affect to convergence point, but also keeps the expected solution accuracy.

Maybe you misunderstood my question, sorry for the misleading.
The simulation reached the convergence after 7 passes. I want get back the mesh created after 6th pass without having to re-simulate everything from the beginning. Is it possible?

What you want to do is possible. As I recall, if you go into the analysis set up and limit the convergence to 6 passes the solution will revert to that iteration and then you can try a fast sweep. I have not tried this for quite some time and hopefully it still works this way. Good luck.

You want change the result from pass 7 to pass 6?
It is possible. Just change the max number of passes to 6, and change the minumun number of passes to 6. It is OK

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