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cst warning messages

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

during simulation of some structures in cst . i get the this warning message:

maximum number of pulse widths simulated,solver stopped.
please note that the steady state energy criteria has not been satisfied.

can we trust the results if one get this warning message and if not what can we do to avoid this warning

thanks for any helping comments

Hi sahid78,

have you try to add more pulse in your signal excited (I think with this you will not have this warning).



hi piboo

what do u mean when you say ,if i add more pulse in my excited signal?
how can i do that?


Try reducing the "accuracy" on the solver menu to lets say -30db - if this still not solving the probem then reduce on "global mesh properties " the "lines per wavelength" to a lower values say 4.

hi angolaX

well i dont think so its the solution to my problem
the steady state enerygy criteria is necesary to get accurate results .if i reduce it the enerygy in the computational domain will still be there and simulation will stop thus giving not accurate results in the frequency domain
similary decreasing the no of lines per wavelenght has to be at least 10 in order to have a good mesh

anyway thanks for your comments

It seems that your geometry is too resonant for the transient solver to achieve the required accuracy (e.g. -40dB) during the pre-defined number of pulses...

If your energy has decayed to an unacceptable high level (e.g. reached only -20dB), then to increase the accuracy you MUST increase the number of simulated pulses (as piboo already recommended). This can be done at:

!T (transient solver) -> Specials -> Steady State tab -> Max number of pulses

Increase this number to 200 (for example) and run your simulation.
(This might take a lot longer to solve, but at least you don't compromise accuracy).

Hope this helps !


Hi Shahid,
I also get this messege for my structures. I went for 2 days CST training couple of weeks back and they told me to increase the Max number of pulses as mogwai wrote. But you have to check the pulse number by your own. Also if you change your templete for resonant structure it might help. Try with filter or resonant coupler settings.


Hi Sahid,

little bit late but mogwai and prafuldeo has answer the same thing as I was thinking.

Hope it works now.



i will try to implement what different people have recommended to me and will let you know if it helps.
thanks a lot to all people who share their expertise


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