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'Solve Ports Only' Option in HFSSv10

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need help understanding the 'Solve Ports only' option in HFSSv10.

I'm trying to run the example in http://www.emtalk.com/tut_1.htm. The 'Solve Ports only' report gives 2 options Gamma and Port Zo (Both in db)

What are we looking for when we analyze for waveport verify?

when solving for waveport, hfss solves the 2D eigen value problem to find the propagating modes in the waveguide, their characteristic impedance and their propagation constants. It does not actually solve the structure, so you won't be able to find S11 or the radiation pattern for example.

This is usually used to make sure that the mode that hfss will use is actually the mode you want to excite and to check your port setup.


Thanks Adel.

A trivial question - But how do we make sense of the Gamma and Port Zo options which are both given in dB.

I think in the plots you can change them to Real and Imaginary (the default is in dB).

Yes! You can 'modify report' and change the format of the reports.

Thanks Adel.

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