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extinction cst

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All experts,

I am trying to modeling the scattering,absorption and extinction efficency using CST MWS 2006 software (in test only one plasmon particle, and in future aiming multiple particle). I am trying to use Postprocessing result template to get this,0D->Far field->3D total efficency. But strangely, the result is always 1. I test in both CST 2006A and 2006B, both give same result. I am puzzled. Is it a BUG of CST or....? I added my model file and hope you can have a look and give me a hand.

I would also appreciate if you can advice better software for my problem.
Thank u very much in advance.

can you introduce me a link for downloading CST 2006? I'll be so thankful and I'll appreciate you.


Have you calculated these parameters?

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