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current excited in the patch antennas due to plane wave

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

i am using CST MWS and interested in plotting the graph which shows the magnitude and phase of current excited in the patch antenna as a function of simulated frequency range when plane wave is incident on it.
any comments would be greatly appreciated


Hi shahid78,

I do it with "easy gif animator" (or others):
In CST you configure all the monitors for all the frequencies you need then you save all the pictures.

And finaly you just have to pu them in easy gif animator

Hope it help you



hi piboo

thanks for your answer to my question but this is not actually what i want.
i want a continuous plot of current ( magnitude and phase) against frequency just like the one which you obtain for S Parameters when u simulate any antenna in CST MWS.
if i define the monitors for surface curents as mentioned by you then i may miss some imortant point, because i want to see at which frequency the phase is zero or magnitude is maximum. i will definitely miss those important frequency points if i use monitors
i hope i explain it clearly now


Hi shahid

If I understand:
When you simulate an antenna with surface current monitor.

The results obtain will be in the 2D-results folder.
You can animate the phase of the surface current or you can have the magnitude of the current for one frequency.

You want to have an animation of the phase of the current (for example at phi=0) vs frequency ?
idem for the magnitude ?

To don't miss some points you can configure many monitors but the simulation will be long.

Maybe I don't understand exactly you want.




well thats the problem , as i mentioned in my earlier post i know i can define many frequency points at which i am interested in surface currents but the point is i want a continous plot as i am interested in finding the frequency at which current magnitude is maximum and the frequency at which phase is going thorugh zero.
i am attaching one figure which will make clear what i want to achieve.

thanks to all who have commented so far



ok I understand, that's funny its was currently what Im' going to do.

I think we have to use a prob on the surface of your antenna (or HIS for me) or where you want to observe the current.

Last week I will try it, but if you have some news,
keep me in touch



hi piboo

its good to hear that you are also trying to achiever what i am looking for

well during my experiment with CST MWS i come to know that you cant use probles in frequency domain solver.
so i cant use the probe usng the unit cell template of FD solver.
its getting more and more tough to find the solution to my problem
now there is no other choice but to use TD solver to find the current at a particular postion as a function of frequency

let me know if you succeed

many thanks

hi piboo

do you have any success in getting the required results?


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