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Change infinite to finite subtrate in IE3D

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

I've been using IE3D to make numerical calculation (simulation) on my MSA project.
It's a 3 layers patch antenna.
Until now, I've used the infinite ground plane and infinite substrate on IE3D.
The next step, I would like to use finite ground plane and finite substrate.

I've changed the infinite ground plane to the finite one. The problem is to change to finite substrate, what should I do to change it without affecting my patch structure.
(It's a complex structure, and it will take more time if I need to draw it again)

If you don't mind, please give some your advice and suggestion.
Thank you indeed.


Hi, 2cent:

It ist just 2 steps:

1. Define the dielectric type and remove the infinite subsrate in Basic Parameters.
2. Draw the shape of the finite dielectrics and define it as a finite dielectric call in Adv Edit->Define Finite Dielectric Call.


Hi Jian,

Thanks for the answer.
OK, I've replaced the infinite substrate to the finite one.
But when I want to process it (simulate), it appear an error message:

"Dynamic allocation failed in allocating the matrix"

What does it mean? What's the problem?
Because when I run in in the lower frequency it just run fine (no error).

Please need your advice.
Thanks again,


It means no enough RAM available.

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