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HFSS to HSpice

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anyone have any good literature for HFSS S-Parameter conversion to HSpice usuable freqeuncy data.

None of the Ansoft stuff seems to cover their methods in any great detail.

I'm having trouble getting an inductor model of mine working in hspice, so any help would be appreciated.

im also looking for the same...some1 please help

Did you try exporting S parameters data as a Touchstone file and Importing it as a N-Port Black Box (or Userdefined) block into Hspice?

as fantom said, you can use the touchstone file (s-parameters file from HFSS) directly in HSPICE, with the following sintaxis

Sname node_1 node_2 ... node_n reference_node mname=model_name
.model model_name S touchstonefile='address/file.s#p'

hope this helps

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