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what is the MOM,FEM and FDTD

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have one thesis about simulate small antenna for uwb.Which way is better between MOM,FEM and FDTD?

Could you please explain the cons and pros of the MOM,FEM and FDTD?

Also please explain how to do MOM,FEM and FDTD in term of mathamatic?

These problems have been asked before but I want to collect all the probs together as it's easier to find.

Anybody please help me.

Thanks & Regards

This is the paper that provides answers to your question.

Best regards,


The short answer is:

MOM is most efficient for wire and sheet antennas.

FEM is best for moderately sized and volumetrically complex antennas.

FDTD can handle the largest simulations and is best for broadband simulations.


thanks all.

that's good.

上一篇:cpw_ifa antenna design

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