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HFSS modeling components for Simplorer

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello, I am farely new to HFSS and can't seem to circle my head around the problem of modeling components.

For example let's say I have modeled a coaxial cable in HFSS with a shield and now want to make a component that will in Simplorer appear as black box with 2 inputs (1 input for the core and 1 for the shield of the cable) and 2 outputs ( 1 output on the end of the cable core, and second output connected to the far end of the shield).

Let's Imagine I want to put sweeping signal trough my cable and put voltmeter couplings on the shield in my schematic to see the voltage induced in the shield...

How would i go about exporting my 3D model of a cable from HFSS to component that can be put in Simplorer?

Thank you!

So far the best I have managed was to put windings and terminal coils in Maxwell software and then link it to Simplorer, but that's for tranzient solutions only and that's not what i need as I would like other users to be able to put my component in their Simplorer designs.

Really dissapointed in the lack of response here maybe I haven't defined my problem very well...hope this gets somewhere, this is a really big problem for me I hope that someone will share their solution if there is any...

I have attached the image to clarify what my component should look like once exported from HFSS or Maxwell and imported into Simplorer!

Did you have any luck solving the problem?

Really Interested in this, having similar issue myself...

Best Regards!

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