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ADS dual strip microstrip design viability

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can someone say whether I can design this dual layer microstrip antenna in ADS. If yes then kindly guide me as to how I should proceed.
I have designed it using HFSS but not getting the desired results as in the paper. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Hello everyone. I have managed to design the antenna using ADS. But can't figure out exactly how to give differential input. Any one with some suggestions. Would be of great help. Thanks

you have to import that momentum layout to schematic, and then place a port across that differential input signals to get S-parameters.

Assume that you want your differential port between Pin1 and Pin2. In the simulation setup of Momentum, go to the ports tab. Probably you will have two ports each of which have its (+) terminal connected to Pin1 or Pin2 and its (-) terminal to the ground. Simply drag the Pin2 and drop it in the (-) terminal where you have already (+) terminal assigned to Pin1.
Now you have a differential port.

Thank you Hamid and pragash.

Sorry for my late response. Yes I have already done the differential ports by the steps you mentioned. Still need to optimise my design a bit i suppose as the results are still deviating from the original ones. Anyway thank you for your help.

Pragash I am now trying to do the circuit in schematic too. If you could elaborate how to do it in schematic, it would be very helpful.

you just have to create schematic component for your layout which have been simulated in momentum, then import it to schematic and simulate it there.

there is no special differential port available. termination will do the job and will give you s-parameter for your layout component.

Thank you Pragash for your help.

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