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ERROR with Momentum simulator: Port x is not inside a conductive region!!

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi to all,

I use ADS Momentum simulator for simuling my spiral inductor, but Momentum gave the following errors during simulation of S-parameters!:

For your attention, i want to simulate with Momentum (ADS2009) my spiral inductor (sp=7.99um, w=13.15um, n=3.74, Dout=365.64um)

Can anyone help me please.

Thanks for you.

Your ports are connected to the pins on the inductor using wires. This type of wire is non-physical so would not be recognized by the EM simulation. You need to attach the ports directly to the metal conductors of the inductor or some other structure that provided real shapes on conductor layers.

Hi RealAEL,

Thanks for response.

I followed your method( connect directly my ports without files), but my simulation is stopped!
You can find in attach the error message and inductor layout.

Thanks for your help.

The answer is not to use very old obsolete 32bit versions of software on new 64bit operating systems with multi-core hardware.

You could try using the "Set Affinity" modifications discussed in this thread.

Hi RealAEL,

It works perfectly.

Thanks for your help!


Hello everybody,

I want to make a layout for a spiral inductor using Momentum ADS, you will find enclosed the layout and substrate on Momentum ADS2009.
I do not know how to know the values ​​of the following parameters of my substrate & layout as:

toxM1M2: oxide thickness between spiral and centertap.
tox: oxide thichness between spiral and substrate.
t: metal thickness.
Sigma: metal conductivity.
Mju: mobility.

I would like to know their values from the attached define_substrate_figures.

Thanks if anyone can help me.

We don't know the data for your semiconductor technology. If this is a "real" process, you should have a process/technology document with this data.
If you just want some example dimensions, have a look at my RFIC EM stackup editor:

The μ value in your EM stackup is permeability, not mobility. Set this value to 1.


Thanks Volker, but I want to create a substrate with this parameters values:

mju= 1.256e-6

How I can do with ADS Momentum to create this substrate ( with respect of this values)?!

Thanks if any one can help me.



for your information, i'm used the substrate named "Silicon_example.slm" in Momentum and i want to design a CMOS RF spiral inductor.

My probleme is about How I could do to change the parameters of the substrate(silicon_example) so that they are adapted to my values ​​quoted at the top(mju= 1.256e-6

Thanks for your help.


I have not used the old ADS2009 for years, and the substrate editing is different in the newer versions, so I better point o the ADS 2009 help:

ADS needs relative permittivity εr, so valculate it from your Eox/ε0
ADS needs relative permeability. Use μr=1. Your mju is simply μ0.
Conductor thickness t is 1μm
Distance between top and bottom conductor is 1.3μm
Distance from bottom conductor to the substrate is 4.5μm

For the substrate, use εr=11.9 and find out the substrate conductivity (missing in your data).

Good luck!

Hi Volker,

Thanks for this informations.

Yes that's it, but how can I fill and write all that in my layout substrate under momentum ( i have a lot of cases in momentum substrate!), you can see my last attached file ( we have 10 figures and a lot of cases: substrate layers and layout layers!).

Can you show me how I am going to fill these boxes(substrate layers and layout layers)?

Thanks and excuse me for derangment.


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