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Plot for frequency Versus Absorption In HFSS

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
dear all,
is there any option in HFSS to Have a absorption versus Frequency plot.

Yes - depending on your setup. Typically, you can do a two-port simulation through some material inside say, a lossless PPW, and extract the loss from the scattering parameters. This loss is the absorption.

but there is no such option for loss as well...now what to do?

well if i'm not mistaken the loss is actually insertion loss that is plot of s21 is that ok?

Thats part of the loss. There's also S11, the return loss.

The actual power loss in the system is given by 1 - |S11|^2 - |S21|^2.

what i'm understanding is that there are no such option for simulating freq Vs Absorption plot in HFSS. i must have to use standard equations ia any other software like matlab to do that...from exporting data from HFSS to matlab...
is that right?

and what i want to do is that i want a scheme in HFSS for that work to reduce complexity.....

No, that's not correct. You can just plot the equation I gave above in HFSS (or any other equation of your choosing).

but that i'm asking how could i plot it...let me know the procedure if you can?

Well one possible way could be that export your data of plots from HFSS
Import them in MATLAB and then rest is simple mathematics
Once it is done then plot it against the frequency
If there is some else confusion about exporting the data just right click the plot and there you can see options to export data of plot
You can even use HFSS calculator though I am not that expert in it but for sure you can implement the formula in HFSS calculator and plot it
but to avoid any confusion I would say go with approach 1 MATLAB or any computational software

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