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evaluation of S-parameter using HFSS

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
how could i evaluate S parameters (db S11 AND S21 ) Versus Frequency plots in hfss..

S-parameter evaluation is a result of a sweep calculation for a driven modal setup. This is very basic fair which is is extensively treated in the first couple of tutorials. I would advice you follow these.

Hi in HFSS, once you define a port, you go to "Analysis" found in "Project manager" located at the left. Right click and "add solution setup", provide your solution frequency. Then a "setup1" will be instantly created. Then right click on "setup1" and "Add frequency sweep". Define your start and end frequency. Then run simulation (provided you completed other steps). After simulation, right click on "Results>create modal solution data report>rectangular plot> s-parameter" . There you have it , Select s11 or s21 and select dB under "function". Then, press "new report". Then the plot will be generated

thanks dear
i'm aware about that procedure but i couldn't get my required plots as for refractive index versus frequency, permitivity and permeability so for them do you have any suggestions?

Hi Bukero,
You need to write an expression for refractive index, permittivity and permeability in terms on SYZ parameters. If you have the expressions, you create an output variable and plot them with respect to frequency.

If you are using Driven Modal solution, you take a look at the effective epsilon and lambda from the Matrix data.


thanks Sv1437
one more doubt i have is that the equation i have to use for them are those which are available in texts or i have to develop a new one depeding on my model.

These should be standard equations available in text books / IEEE papers

if possible can you please share link for a book or paper that includes these equations.
Best Regards,

上一篇:MEMS switch in Ansys HFSS

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