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Phase compensator with minimum insertion loss (100MHz-250MHz)

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
Can anyone help me solving the problem of generating required phase shift as shown in the attached figure.

I need to have minimum insertion loss (below 2dB) over full BW (100MHz-250MHz) and phase characteristics as shown above.

All the filters like low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop or lead/lag compensator don't give the required phase response.

Can anyone suggest some useful literature or any topology of a circuit which can provide required characteristics.

Thanks a lot.

You want a linearly rising phase, the equivalent of a negative delay? No real circuit has exactly this characteristic, it can be only approximated. You need to define an allowed error band.

Yes exactly this is negative transmission line kinda phase response.
Can I use any metamatetial or right hand transmission line?
Any ideas?

Can anyone suggest a filter which provides negative phase in the pass band (like simple LPF) but has minimum phase variation with frequency?


Phase change is key to creating the rolloff curve. Phase change is a result of lead/lag behavior in capacitors and inductors. Now, suppose you could create the right combination of filters, one of which causes current to lead, another causing current to lag, etc., you might obtain your desired effect.

Such a filter network might combine RC, RL, LC tank, LC series, etc.
Their rolloff curves might coincide or they might be arranged to occupy certain bands.

I cannot be certain about my suggestion. It may turn out to be merely hypothetical and not practical.

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