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Why results from EM simulaiton different from schematic simulation?

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I am designing an amplifier. I finished the schematic and working on EM simulation right now. But they are actually not the same. What would be reasons?


When you start to follow a proper design flow. You will understand why.
1. Design your matching network with a ideal lumped component model
2. Replace the lumped component model with stripline model
3. Do a em co-simulation with non-linear lumped component models if any.
4. put impedance probes at each circuit node to see what transformation is achieved and which elements or combination of elements are causing it.

Try and understand the effects in each step. And you will see why.


You must set your simulator to be as close as to reality.


What does this mean?
Does it differ 0.1% only or does it differ 1000%?


Dear Freestylesoap,

I think firstly you should state clearly your problem. Which parts of the circuit you run in EM simulation and which settings you set for EM simulation.

You said "they are actually not the same", I am sorry I didn't catch your idea that what are "they"?, "they" means the results or anything else?


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