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HFSS transmission line perfectly-match terminations

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am interested in simulating a series of slot lines and CPW transmission lines in a complex geometry (these lines are buried in layer dielectrics). I have a number of lumped impedance boundary conditions inside the structure to simulate active device response at a specific frequency. The transmission line geometry is parameterized; the characteristic impedance of a given TL is a function of the TL's geometry, as such, terminating these lines with "perfectly matched loads" cannot be done with a lumpedRLC boundary condition.

Any ideas how I would go about terminating a TL with a boundary condition (keep in mind the location of some of these terminations are not on the model's internal surface) ensuring no reflected power as I sweep the TL geometry parameters?


There's probably not any very accurate way to do this. My suggestion would be to pick the impedance corresponding to the mean value, and use that in all cases.

Otherwise, you're left with computing the impedances for all cases, and updating their values in each simulation case -- which is a lot of work.

Good Luck!


thank you for the info.


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