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[CST]whaveguide port not algined with the global cartesian coordinate system error

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello, i have build a complex shape with a coax canle port. so i put a wavguide port to it, but i get an error that is not aligned with global cartesian coordinate system.

I cant see the global coordinate system when i am modeling, its presented on the right corner and i have no clue if its algined or not.

if i define a local coordinate system how can i see if its not alligned with the global
or how do i change my cordinate system so ill know that its aligned and i will created a coax in which a waveguie port will work.


By clicking on the "Local WCS" button the local u,v,w coordinate system will pop-up / disappear and you can compare its position to the global coordinate system.

The origin of the global coordinate system is the intersection of those two thick grey lines.

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