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ads circuitcosimulation error message _failed to find model

时间:03-27 整理:3721RD 点击:

I′m workin with ADS2008. It′s not my first circuit co simulation. Now I′ve a layout to simulate at 900Mhz. The same layout simulation worked fine at 434MHz.
But at 900MHz I get an errormassage during simulation and it stops:

Warning detected by hpeesofsim during SP analysis 'SP1'
Component 'X1.top_1':
A new model for the layout component is generated for the requested parameter values.
Error detected by by hpeesofsim during SP analysis 'SP1'
Compenent 'X1.top_1':
Failed to find the model file for the layout component.
Error detected by by hpeesofsim during SP analysis 'SP1'
Fatal error occurred while evaluating model 'momcmpt', instance 'X1.top_1'

Does anybody know this problem? How can I fix it?

best regards

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