drude model
I am trying to introduce frequency dependent permittivity as Drude model in HFSS.
However, I don't know how to introduce the model. Can anybody help me?
You can do it by Matlab coupled to HFSS
Dear mourad,
ould you please explain in details how this could be done? Currently, I am using HFSS ver. 10. Thanks.
Best Regards,
There is no reply in this old topic. Does somebody know how to introduce Drude model in HFSS using Matlab? Will be very thankful for advise.
you can calculate the real and imaginary parts of permittivity/permeability in matlab using your drude/lorentz whatever model. and then you need to calculate the tangent delta electric/magnetic using these real and imaginary parts. you need to write these parameters in a data file in matlab, like: frequency - real(eps) and another file frequency - tand(eps).
now, in hfss, you will open your material properties, and select frequency dependent. you will import these data files. that's it!
make sure you use exp(jwt) time dependence (hfss uses this). therefore:
eps = eps_r - j *eps_im
tand_e = eps_im/eps_r
same for permeability.
and also make sure you use frequency in Hertz in the data file. e.g., for 1GHz you need to enter 1e9.
take a look at the hfss help files for freq dependent material properties.
hope this helps...