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900 mhz patch antenna

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi there,

Currently I am working on a project which part of the modules needs me to design a 900Mhz patch antenna. But I don't have Telecommunication background so it seems hard to me.

So may I know anyone has the exact PCB dimensions for a simple patch antenna?
(plz specify the PCB's relative permitivity also if possible)

Thanks for your helps and I deeply appreciate it
Have a nice day.

you need half vawelength patch(but cos of dielectric medium it ll be a little bit smaller) try to use corner truncated square patch with dielectric FR4 (4.4, 0.02δ)

use a simulating tool for instance Ansoft designer or HFSS. and find your best suiting metrics.

Good luck.

You might probably be better off reading any antenna theory book.

In addition, you also need to consider the PCB thickness.

Why corner truncated square ? I believe it is for circular polarization. But why would you recommend it ?

Because some simulators have tool for it(like HFSS) and easy to simulate and fabricate.

I agree. Corner truncated antennas are for Circular Polarization. HFSS will be the best bet. The manual has some classic examples of Microstrip Patch antennas.

Sure you can grab a software package as
HFSS and design an antenna without EVER
seen an Antenna Theory book....That is very
smart......The "antenna" would be very

Thanks for the replies and I am really appreciate it.

I have tried Ansoft Designer, it seems user friendly, but may I know what is the differences between Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Designer?

Thanks and have a nice day.

we r just orienting people on edaboard for short. Of course you can not design an antenna without studying. we set a point of start. if u start from a simulation you have to learn more. At least term of simulation orient you to learn deeply. So what s wrong to give a start point?? if all of us have to read more and more than why we use edaboard??? Lets close edaboard and start studying. and prefer harder way... and maybe after some time we could be Maxell.

sure I can be doctor if I grab a book, or better yet (forget the book) just start using the scalpello and at the end I will be a "doctor".

Experiment !!!

its the start point of science. Every advance has started from experiment and observation. And than theorem comes. Look at physic. There is still no unified theory(theory of everything) They still observing and experimenting. Good start point

Sure, years of experiment and science can be skipped just by
grabing a "software"....A software package is just a TOOL....a
fool who can believe that just because he/she can handle the
TOOL makes him/her an expert or the design is good is deceiveing
himself. Garbage in---->garbage out, if a person does not know what
is looking for, the TOOL will spit out just garbage....

Just like other tool of nature gave us. eyes ears etc. Anyway. if using tools makes us fool, stop every human activity and just sleep. Or die. Where is the researcher spirit? in here as i said before no body wish to be PhD. They just wish to know how they may manage to produce something. So using stetescope makes no body doctor. But you hear the heartbeat. if you know about a tool, how it operates, u can use it. if its not true look at car driver. How much of people the knows about chemistry, thermodynamics or mechanics?? So what is the point of blocking some researcher spirit? After how much experiment Edison find a solution for light bulb? Did he know about alloys, chemistry, electricity etc.?? Or was he a doc.?? So let people try, if they have spirit. then comes deeper research of wonder. Off course at start garbage ll produced(like Edison, Curie's today physicians, etc. etc.) . But if he/she has enough spirit than maybe he/she could produce some valuable thing.

But we all using it.

Anyway. Thats all my idea. And your idea. different ideas makes us human. that all for this forum.. time to stop.

Good luck

You are right,,,,just go ahead and do whatever you want.....
what do I care about people doing antenna design without
any training just because HFSS is available.

I have seen severals design just like that....As a matter of fact
one of my consulting job this guy was a PhD (but not in RF) and
he though he can do a better antenna. What difiicult could it
be?...he though..

It is just a chip antenna and connect it to the cable would be
enough, right?....He did not use HFSS, I was using HFSS for
designs, but he though that they would not need an RF
engineer since the design is sooooo simple...it works...!!!!
...yea, just 1/4 meter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......
In fact was better just with the cable alone.....

I never did any consulting job for people like that.

A PhD with a technician mentality.....the same mentality
like when a technician can not explain certain things and he
dismissed it saying is BLACK MAGIC.....Like that explain it

hey yonghe
try emtalk.com
there is a calculator for computing
dimensions of patch antenna very easily

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