LNA design using ansofet designer sv
Well if you know how to design it in theory then it's a matter of learning the software.
You might want to ask yourself these key questions
1) Stability of transistor at hand ( Determine the stable input and output regions of operation: if unstable make it unconditionally stable for all impedances by resistive collector shunt stabilization for example )
2) Gain required (Constant gain circles in SV)
3) Noise Figure requirements (NF circles in SV)
4) The input and output matching circuitry as well as the DC bias circuitry.
The book by Pozar, "Microwave engineering" is a great place to start and once you have understood the steps to designing an LNA then you will need Ansoft's, "Ansoft Designer Training" which will show you how to use the smith chart with Ansoft Designer to design an LNA.
Good luck
thanks gamba....i'll give it a try