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Looking for a book on Mesh Generation

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello Everyone, I am working on coding a simple FDTD program that will involves Mesh Generation. Please, can anyone recommend a book on Mesh Generation Algorithms.



Me too
The more accurate module is, the more precise result is.

I think the FDTD method need no mesh generation technique such as triangular or tetrahedral meshs. what is your mean?

hi hamidrezakarami, how can u say that FDTD method does not need mesh generation technique? The automatic mesh generation is need so that you don't alway have to manually specify you material (conducting, dielectric or insulation) when u are solving a problem. For example, if you want to model a simplified absorption problem by a human body part and you don't have access to commercial FDTD solver, it will be tedious to manually code and specified human body part within the solution space.


Unfortunately there is no simple answer. I do not think there are (m)any useful publications on the subject.
But in order to be able to help you even a little bit you would have to tell us

1) what kind of FDTD are you planning to use
a) standard
b) locally conformal methods for rectangular meshes
c) conformal regular meshes

2) What format does your input data have.
a) series of cross sections
b) 2d CAD data
c) 3d CAD data

In each case the necessary source code will be quite different. For complex models modifying the output of a FEM mesher can be useful.


only the simplest FDTD models are simple to set up. For more complete FDTD programs modelling
can be the most complex part.

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