export E and H fields from CST as *.txt files
I can use fft in matlab but I could not save the data for given time range(for example time = 0:0.001:5 sec.) I defined field monitors by using time range but when I save it as txt, it saves only one time step.
I know it is so complicated, but if you have any idea please write to me.
Hallo greta_garbo,
may be you should contact info@cst.com.
The field export function is buggy. In my version, just zeros are exported. They are working on a bugfix.
Hi greta_garbo
For a single file of S11 or S22 etc you can just Right click on the file and then select copy.
Afterwards you can open a notepad file and paste in it.
It works for the S parameters v/s Frequency case.
Consider you have 101 frequency monitors and you have named those monitors 'Freq=0.5e9', 'Freq=2e9' etc. Then you can use macro to select the results for each monitor in the loop and export the data. See sample below:
================================================== ==
Sub Main ()
For ii=0.5e9 To 2e9 STEP 0.015e9
SelectTreeItem ("2D/3D Results\E-Field\e-field Freq="&ii&"")
With ASCIIExport
.FileName (".\E_FIELD_FREQ_"&ii&".dat")
.StepX (0.1)
.StepY (0.1)
.StepZ (0.1)
.Mode ("FixedWidth")
End With
SelectTreeItem ("2D/3D Results\H-Field\h-field Freq="&ii&"")
With ASCIIExport
.FileName (".\H_FIELD_FREQ_"&ii&".dat")
.StepX (0.1)
.StepY (0.1)
.StepZ (0.1)
.Mode ("FixedWidth")
End With
End Sub
You might need to adjust the macro to the naming style you use for your field monitors.