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Hai Anybody Suggest a good eletcromagetics project ..for graduate level

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hai could you suggest a project for graduate level students in Electromagetics ...possibly about Antennas ...

Any projects based on parabolic antennas l


i wish someone to drill a cavern

has to be atleast octaganal in granite or heavy rock first
to give some sort of referance basalt is maybe better
or maybe some tests to find idea size for such a void in different rock/stratus types
add internal facing layered to form the cavern walls and planes

maybe several different types of plates.. to a common referance...
maybe a gas layer etc or a void vacum layer several layers of antenna
who knows??
deep in rock and used for earth quake etc analysis using rf fields
the method is to look for rf exuded by rocks and study its fields using a set of unimetric antenna in a box/16 or 32 etc

a quiet place to study for sure... well out the way

and somwhere to study not too influensed by us bags of mostly water...

i am sure you see what i mean as existing sensors realy on travel of sound and actual displacement of rock that causes a sound wave

we all know rf comes first moreover magnetic movement as creatures respond to this as known by science
also so do humans in ways they dont connect to the event too come {its seen as mystic }

why are humans so dull to events to come where animals arent etc etc

i think rf is the key to predict displacement of heavy bodies
and datas can be quickly collected and corrilated by such node based collectors array's
grid mapped {use gridworks app to plot idea locations}
maybe some sort of fractile antennas arrays

each face of the octagon has a direction and its own group of antennas
or a fractile array set ... very well machined
maybe some sort of referance can be made {a short circuit at 1sec / lamda}
much better than individual monitoring sources i think a handy extenssion

and beats the shit out of radar ... or haarp

as a matirx of them would make a dam good solus monitor for many types of wave.. and particle movement monitoring

please concider this for your project

and lets see what happens

Gridworks | Bruce Cathie Maps the World Grid with Gridpoint Atlas

i know this guy looks like a mess maker

but his ideas are sound just his calculation in his books have issues
and his software is mega cool ... for experiments... {and free power}
but needs like all a bit of a debug effort and a few vecter tweaks

why porabala

its inefficent for scanned rf and only usefull really for sat to land use...
or buring paper in the sun

helix yagi antanna is far more effient for land based rf
as porabila's is over efficent and too directional for task...usualy ive found

Is it just me, or is that reply complete gibberish?


Could n't Comprehend Completely ........

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