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时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Do anybody here know how to simulate a 8-Antenna with Matlab or Femlab? Do anybody here have experiences with 8-Antennas?

Can you desribe your antenna in more detail? The name you give it may not be the name others use for it.

If you mean symmetrical loop antenna, on
you can find 4nec2 with biquad antenna(loop+relector) as and other loop antenna examples.

Please describe your problem.your purpose is simulation of array antenna or other things?
You can contact me with PM.
Best regards

I've developed a self made MatLab code about phased arrays, if u give me the layout and the RF performances u want to compute I can help u ok?


What do you mean by "8-antenna", do u mean yagi?

2*4or 1*8

[QUOTE=Lupin;57642]I've developed a self made MatLab code about phased arrays, if u give me the layout and the RF performances u want to compute I can help u ok?
Would you mind if I checked out your code? I am looking to do an academic project on radars. I have never done any antenna or array simulations in anything other than 3D full wave simulators, I would like to see what would go into a Matlab simulation.

上一篇:2 port S parametrs study

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