Sonnet Optimization/Parameter question
i am designing a suspended stripline filter at the moment and have an annoying problem:
i have several parameters affecting the x-dimension of my structure. As you can see in the picture, when optimizing, i have dimensioned the feed lines to a length, so they do not get too short, when the gap-parameters reach the maximum value.
But when i want to increase the maximum parameter values, i have to manually resize the feedlines AND the box.
Is there a way to automatically resize the box, maybe bound to a parameter i set?
Hi Chris,
there is no way to change the box size from within a parameter sweep. For a given model, the box size is fixed.
Your approach to set the box for the maximum size, and then use linked ref planes that follow the parameters, is the correct procedure.
We have some university users over here who drive Sonnet from Matlab. Then, you can sweep the box size because you have access to all details, including the Sonnet box.
Best regards
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you define the deembedding to be relative to the box wall (as in, the deembedding length is linked to a feature geometry), then resizing the geometry should move around the deembedding length as well. In this way, you will not have to resize the box. The problem arises only when you deembed a fixed length from the box wall. I hope I'm making sense!
That is true ace...the problem i am talking about only occurs when the "feed line" is getting a negative value because of the gaps getting very large. In this case, it would be beneficial to defien a fixed feed line length from the beginning and be able to enlarge the box automatically when changing parameters.