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HFSS patch antenna partial ground boundary conditions

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
How to define boundary conditions for the patch antenna with partial ground in hfss?
Should finite conductivity boundary be assigned to bottom ground face and radiation boundary to top airbox?

I am not sure what you are asking. What kind of antenna are you trying to simulate?

See the link for designing a patch antenna in HFSS: em: talk - HFSS Tutorial 1: Microstrip Patch Antenna

If this is what you are looking for.


If we imagine that the antenna is like the one from the emtalk example, but with partial ground,
what boundary conditions should be defined?

Since you are only going to be using a partial ground, i am assuming that the ground does extend all the way underneath which ever substrate that you have chosen to use. What you need to do is extend the the air box, since i am not sure about your design and how the antenna is going to radiate I suggest making the air box lambda/4 in every direction, while making every face of the air box a radiation boundary. If you have trouble getting it to run you can upload the HFSS file and I can take a look at it.

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