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quadro 6000 vs tesla c2070

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have a question of performance about quadro 6000 and tesla c2070.

Dell and HP support tesla c2050 and quadro 6000.

I think quadro 6000 and tesla c2070 are very similar.

I want to use tesla c2070. Unfortunately, Dell and hp don't support tesla c2070.

Please let me know good choice for em simulation.

How do you think about nvidia quadro 6000 card for em simulation regarding performance?

These guys will make you a workstation with two c2070's:

SabrePC - Sabre SPX11303 Tesla C2070 GPU Workstation - Great Deals, Low Prices, Awesome Customer Support!

I have found a couple papers that briefly mention HFSS, but are more geared to mechanical/fluid flow supercomping.

Such a machine would need to have HFSS set up to use it properly. I suggest discussing it with them.


I don't know if its correct but I think that quadro 6000 it's only for graphics calculation and not for CAD acceleration.
and only the tesla GPU is for CAD acceleration. that the reason that each CAD software
need driver written in CUDA software from NVIDIA. so for now the c2070
is new GPU and the driver is not ready yet. only the c2050 have it.

look at CUDA GPUs | NVIDIA Developer Zone

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