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steay state energy criterion has not been satisfied

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
when i try to simulate some structure in CST MWS at the end of simulate a warning message comes which says

"maximum number of pulse widths simulated ,solve stopped
please note that steady state energy criterion has not been satisfied"

now i get results like S parameters so i am thinking whether i should trust such results when this warning message also comes up.
or results are totally wrong

also whats the reason for this warning message and how could i avoid it.

i get no warning message for one particular model but when i run the parametric analysis i get this warning message for some sweeps

anyone having any clue to solve this problem or any comments would be highly appreciated



This warning message usually pops up when dealing with a resonant structure. You can trust the results up to a certain extent. For example, if you are interested in S-parameters, it is ok to determine the resonance frequency. Also, take a look at the time signal, if most of the energy has vanished and all the rest is just oscilating then you can be sure this warning is due to resonance.

How to deal with it?
There are many ways that I can think of, but if I assume that your structure is a resonating one, as a first step, I'd try to increase the "number of pulses" in the transient special settings.

Good luck,

hi pushhead

thanks for your useful comments. i will try to do what u have recommended and get back to you if i face any problem


when i try to simulate my structure (in addition my structure has very big background material )in CST MWS at the end of simulate a warning message comes which says
"maximum simulation time reached ,solver stopped
please note that steady state energy criterion has not been satisfied"

what should I do to avoid this warning?
the best

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