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HFSS square coil at 13.56 MHz

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am new in the use of HFSS and I am trying to create a square coil that has a resonance frequency of 13.56[MHz]. I did the following:

1. Connect both extreme of the 2D coil (I connect in 3D) trying to mimic the real antenna.

2. I define in the inferior right corner a lumped port, with R=1 [ohm] and Reactance=356 [Ohm]. I do not normalise the results to 50 [ohm].
Note: I change R and reactance in lumped port from the default value, because the physical size of my antenna result in a L=4[uH]. Therefore, for f=1/(2pi*sqrt(LC)) resonance at 13.56 MHZ, I have to use a C=33 [pF] --> Xc=356 [Ohm]

Is this correct or just leave R=50 [ohm] and Reactance=0?, I did it before but I don't get any result.

3. AirBox define as vacuum and Square Coil as Finite Conductor (copper)

At the end give me weird value for S11 and the 3D pattern. I expected to find the maximum perpendicular to the plane of the antenna.

If someone can give me a hand it will be great, I can send the file and pictures by email, I tried by the website but I couldn't post it.

Many thanks for the time,

上一篇:CST troubleshooting error

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