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Direct coupled bandpass filter with capacitive coupling

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello ,
1.I had been designing a direct coupled band pass filter and tried to minimize it by using capacitive loading i did the em structure for the conventional design but for the minimized circuit i am not able to add the capacitor to the em structure and i am stuck here for more than 1 MONTH so please help me to do the em structure in em sight(in the book attached i referred the page 151 and used the example sum i am doing it for 2Ghz)
2. I am trying the extraction technique since i am not able to figure out the manual way of adding the capacitor in the EM Structure
3. When the extraction block is enabled the schematic output also changes only when it is disabled the schematic output is correct
waiting for the reply....
thanking you
yours truly,
adelineAWR Projects.rarMINIATURIZATION TECHNIQUE USED.pdf__Microstrip_filters_for_RF_microwave_applications.pdf

It is very simple.
Place ports in the EM model (one for each side of the capacitor) and then use a schematic to connect the capacitor to these ports.
Or use Sonnet, which can include components in the EM Model.

thanks a lot for replying!!! I am just beginner with this software, i am able to add only edge ports in the em structure drawn using AWR EMSIGHT and i am not able to choose the capacitor from the element browser and drag it to the em structure then how can i add ports to each side of the capacitor?

There are different port types. See tutorial and examples.

Correct. You have to include the component using ports, as I described above.
Why don't you start with the tutorial and examples, to learn using the software before you design your own model?

ok sir will do as u directed please can you help me by adding examples that use ports to add elements in the em structure? sorry to disturb you but i need to show the output by next week so i really need your help

Use internal ports. Here is an example hot they are used to include the resistors in a power divider.

ok sir thank you

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