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Plot FIELDS from Parametric sweep

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

Does anybody know how to get field distribution from parametric sweep?

In the ParametricSetup->Options->Save Fields And Mesh I've selected the check box, but I cannot find how I can plot these fields.

Thank you.

I'm guessing you are talking of HFSS, though you don't make that clear.

I don't have a copy of HFSS in front of me, but when plotting things like the fields, one can change an axis from "last adaptive" to "sweep" or somthing like that.

So for example for an antenna, you might plot the gain, changing the x axis to frequency, and the y axis to be "sweep" rather than "last adaptive". Then you have a plot of gain vs frequency, rather than gain vs angle.

Sorry, this is all from memory. If you were here, I could show you how to do it, but I can't describe the steps too well.

Thank you for your concern.

Yes, I'm talking about HFSS. Sorry that I wasn't clear.

I thought that I can find the fields to choose from in the "Create Field Plot".

It"s look like you are talking about the same window.

But, unfortunately, I cannot find were to choose the parameter from parametric sweep.



Hi Topor89,
Assuming that, we are having Design variable named "offset". And parametric sweep of "offset" is from 0 inch to 1 inch with the increment steps of .1 inch. After parametric analysis, we will have 11 set of fields, (0 inch, .1 inch, .2 inch.... upto 1 inch).
To plot field for "0 inch", go to Menu HFSS->Design properties, update the value of "offset" to 0 inch.

Similarly for plotting the parametric variation of "0.5 inch' update the Design variable "offset" to '0.5 inch'.

Note: If we try to update design variable like "0.215 inch". we wont get the field pattern, as there is no parametric variation exists for this value.

Thank You again.

Your answer hits the bull's-eye.

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