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porting for a microstip ring resonator in hfss

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys,
I am having some issues regarding which type of porting has to be done in microstrip ring resonator..?

Currently i have tried with waveport without integration line and renormalising the impedance to 50 ohm..
I have also tried lumped port with integration line from top to bottom but it has not helped me..
Moreover,should the ground be considered as just a plane rectangular sheet or like a cube of copper ..?

help me guys,..

waiting for reply..

What are you trying to measure? How are you trying to excite it? As shown in the HFSS tutorials for microstrip arrangements, I would use a waveport drawn across both the beginning of your microstrip, and the ground plane (for which I would use a "box" of copper rather than a sheet, for increased accuracy of the solution). I usually don't renormalize my ports for this kind of arrangement. If your microstripline is 50 Ohms, your port impedance after processing should show that.

i am trying to improve my Q-factor of the resonator..!! i first used the lumped port with a copper box as the ground plane..it had poor results ,so i switched to waveport and changed the ground to a sheet of copper...Afterwards i used the method increasing the dimensions of the port of the resonator which i had read in one of the article..BUt i am not sure of any method..!!!
Please explain how right way should i proceed for the right porting..??
Pls reply..

I'm still not sure how you are exciting the resonator, but I would:

- Use the copper box for the ground plane. This will always give more accurate results.
- Place a waveport which overlaps both the microstrip and the ground plane. Leave renormalizing off.
- Run the simulation, and check the port impedance to ensure it is around 50 Ohms. If this is the case, your port setup is most likely correct. If it isn't, look at the fields on the port and make sure they are what you would expect.

Good Luck

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