Antenna Design and Boundaries HFSS 13
I use a box where two sides are master/slave boundaries and the other two are perfect H boundaries. A the top i assign a
pml box. I use as excitation incident(plane) wave but i can't see any s parameteres on my results..
I a different project where i use waveport as excitation i was able to see s parameters on the report. Is there any problem
on defining the excitation or the boundaries?
Thank you,
To be honest, I'm not sure the incident plane wave is what you're looking for, I'd just go with the waveport. Don't forget to de-embed to the surface of your cell.
What do you mean "de-embed"?
When you have a port in contact with a transmission line, de-embedding the port to a certain point removes the s-parameter response incurred over that length of line, giving you only the s-parameters of the object at the de-embeding point.
It is an option in the wave port, easiest to get distance graphically.
This is my project:
I want a Port on the top so as to have a plane wave...I am very confused.
Hi John,
The Wave Port is designed so that it absorbs all incoming energy, similar to a radiation boundary. You don't need to put a PML behind it. In the setup you have, it will be emitting a plane wave. The rest of your setup is good - just be sure to de-embed the port for accurate phase information, as I explained above.
Good Luck
Thank you PlanarMetamaterials for your immediate answer. I changed PML to Waveport and and I demebed graphically the waveport to the center of the patch but I get the above message:
[error] Port refinement, process hf3d error: Matching boundary Master1 touches non-Floquet port 1.
Ah, yes, sorry about that.
For your arrangement, using a Floquet port will enable you to process different modal interactions with your surface, but for a basic scattering response the waveport is still good, there's just one condition - the waveport can't contact a master-slave boundary (No, I'm not sure why ;)
There are a couple of options:
- Set the master/slave arrangement to Perfect H, if this is acceptable to your setup (i.e is it OK if no current is flowing in the y-direction between unit cells)
- Break your master-slave walls into two rectangles in the z-dimension. Assign a perfect H to the top pieces contacting the waveport, and set the bottom parts to master-slave. You can make the top pieces very small, so that most of the boundary will still be master-slave anyways.
If I use a Floquet port I must change the perfect H boundaries to master/slave. If I implement the second option will the periodicity include the waveport?
Yes, I believe that's correct, but the information given by the Floquet port may be more complex than you need.