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Re: DXf Files to Gerber

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
The DXF input file has just numbers without units. After loading the DXF file, you have to tell Gerberwizard the units that you used. It seems that you have specified the wrong units.

Best regards

I could not able to install it.....do not know where I am going wrong. would apreciate if could help. Thanks

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 14:57 ----------

I could no able to install it. Would appreciate if you could help. Do not know where I am going wrong.

Unfortunately, the setup program is not compatible with some new Windows versions.

Thanks hips. I am only using windows xp pro. Do you know any other software that would convert dfx filer to a gerber file. Help require very urjent. Thanks again

The program should install and run on Windows XP 32bit. I am pretty sure about that because I'm the programmer.
What exactly is the installation problem that you see?

Thanks . It worked. I was trying to insatall in UNIX workstations..

After I have converted to gerber file, any recomended free software to open the file, tried
ViewMate - Free Gerber Viewer

GC Prevue
GraphiCode - Software Innovations for Electronics Manufacturing - Home

Did not work, your help would be apreciated.

I am using Windows 7 64 bit, is there a version which, do you know of any .dxf to gerber file converters?

Thank you

- - - Updated - - -

I am using Windows 7 64 bit, is there a version which, do you know of any .dxf to gerber file converters?

Thank you

Try Sonnect-DXF to Extended Gerber RS274X

This is now available to Sonnet customers only. We have removed the public download.

Try using viewmate to convert DXF to GERBER


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