what is the effect of ground plane in the microstrip patch antenna
i want to know that, what effect can we have if we add the ground plane in patch antenna.can we have better results if we add ground plane in the patch antenna
I believe the ground plane has an affect on the impedance matching of the patch antenna
here we can consider the ground plane as a field reflector
and it has a large effect on the radiation patterns and the resonance frequency
you cold notice that by using numerical methods for analyzing your microstrip
while most of the analytical methods assume that the ground plane is infinite in size
and hence no radiation fields appear in the back of microstrip(behind the ground plane)
as you could notice in many books like Bahl
i hope that i helped you
Ground plane will give you directivity, same as a parabolic reflector case where the dish gives you greater gain and directivity focusing the radiation pattern in one direction.