How to extract schematic (R, L and C) from HFSS's exported .lib in PSPICE A/D
After creating and simulating a RF MEMS switch in HFSS, whenever I try to export equivalent circuit in .lib or HSPICE format, I am unable to generate circuit from .lib in PSPICE. I tried TINA, LT-SPICE. I tried conversions between .lib and .cir but no luck.
Here is my netlist, the error is: "Circuit not found". I know the problem might be in connecting input or output's, so if anyone can please explain about it, that will be appreciated.
* begin ansoft header
* node 1 1
* node 2 2
* created by HFSS
* end ansoft header
.subckt basic_lfws 1 2
rc1_1to0 1 3 1e-005
cs1_1to0 3 0 0.013010526568333p
rp_1to0 1 0 4792708.3642496
rc1_2to0 2 4 1e-005
cs1_2to0 4 0 0.010784315907609p
rp_2to0 2 0 4998558.2791116
cm_1to5 1 5 0.0099662489194228p
cm_5to2 5 2 0.0099662489194228p
.ends basic_lfws
I also tried S parameters to RLC packages like: EMwonder, but still unable to generate equivalent circuit.
Thank you
After creating and simulating a RF MEMS switch in HFSS, whenever I try to export equivalent circuit in .lib or HSPICE format, I am unable to generate circuit from .lib in PSPICE. I tried TINA, LT-SPICE. I tried conversions between .lib and .cir but no luck.
Here is my netlist, the error is: "Circuit not found". I know the problem might be in connecting input or output's, so if anyone can please explain about it, that will be appreciated.
* begin ansoft header
* node 1 1
* node 2 2
* created by HFSS
* end ansoft header
.subckt basic_lfws 1 2
rc1_1to0 1 3 1e-005
cs1_1to0 3 0 0.013010526568333p
rp_1to0 1 0 4792708.3642496
rc1_2to0 2 4 1e-005
cs1_2to0 4 0 0.010784315907609p
rp_2to0 2 0 4998558.2791116
cm_1to5 1 5 0.0099662489194228p
cm_5to2 5 2 0.0099662489194228p
.ends basic_lfws
I also tried S parameters to RLC packages like: EMwonder, but still unable to generate equivalent circuit.
Thank you