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CST - Including a macro from within a macro

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hey there,

I have several cst projects, each one using the same macro to build up for example a structure. The macro (the content from the main function) is then copied into the history list and run each time I hit "update" in the history list.
When I change the macro I have to copy the new content to the history entry of each project.

Now the question: Is there something like an "import" or "include" function I could use in the history list? With that I could easily change the structure macro for more than one project. (like: "include generate_strucure.bas")

Using search function I just found possibilities refering to objects called workbook or VBIDE among others, which is not helpful in the case of CST VBA, because as far as I can see there is no option to use that objects.


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