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bandwidth calaculation

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone.
I want to calculate bandwidth of a microstrip in unit cell mode with floquet port in cst but when I want to calculate from return loss graph there is no any -10 dB line I mean -10 dB line doesn't have any connection with the graph

Are you sure your sim is correct? Because s21,s12 has a maximum of -40db, quite low value?

Thank you for your reply.
could you explain more about sim?I don't know what it means.I just want to calculate bandwidth.Is there another way to achieve that?

May be you mean simulation.actually I'm not sure.the frequency is 10 GHz and the ground plane and substrate dimensions are 15*15 mm and the patch dimensions are 10*10 mm. Is there any problem with the patch dimensions?I think there is an equation to achieve dimensions in special frequency. Is it true?

Actually, i'm not very familiar with this type of antenna. Maybe your sim (simulation) is not correct. But the values of s-parameters loo quite strange.

Many thanks sir.
what about this graph?how can i achieve bandwidth?

sb told me that you have to draw -10 db line in order to find the bandwidth but in my graph there is no any -10 db line.

As I said, something wrong in your simulation. Maybe try to compare your work with other works.

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