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equivalent RC circuit of parallel RL cirtcuit

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
what will be the equivalent RC circuit of parallel RL circuit having the same frequency?

There is no equivalent answer to your question.

Often we can create a complementary circuit using a capacitor, to substitute for an inductor.

The time constants need to be equal. For a capacitor it is C*R.
For an inductor it is L/R.

You may need to tap for the output across a different component.

This is a simple example. Series RL compared with series RC.

There is also the gyrator (or active inductor). This uses a capacitor and op amp, to perform similarly to an inductor.

Your post talks about a parallel L & R. This will be more complex to evaluate.

Brad gave an excellent response ( pun intended) to the question not asked,

What RC and RL equivalent circuits give the same frequency response , assuming a zero ohm source impedance and open circuit load.

this is the basic circuit i am talking about.we can use n resistors or n capacitors but the frequency should be same.
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