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Slant polarized omni directional antenna (2-10GHz)

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all...
I am working on a slant polarized omni directional antenna. I have selected a crossed dipole element to meet my requirements. I would like to know the feeding mechanism used in this and also i would like to know whether any other antenna meets this requirements(slant polarized omnidirectional antenna)

Thanking you all
Meera S

If you need the 2-10 GHz wideband omni antenna, then I would suggest to use a biconical or disk-cone antenna, and tilt its axis by 45 degrees.
Crossed-dipole antennas can be set to radiate any polarization, linear through circular, by phasing the dipole feeds. One dipole with tilted axis can radiate the "slant" polarization, but achieving omni-directionality may be a problem.

Thanks Alot Sir

if u tilt the antenna,its pattern will also tilt
is it possible to check its polarization in hfss??
i mean ploting vertical gain and horizontal gain

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