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what is the need air gap in transformers..

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello every one ...
we are using fly back converter .. i observer air gap in transformer..

what is need of air gap in transformer.....
if not provide air gap to the transformer what happened..

it is necessary all types of transformers..

please help meeee.

The magnetic path has flux that is similar to a current and the cause of that is something called magnetomotive force. The force experience some resistance called in this case reluctance.

The magnetic path has low reluctance but the air has high reluctance (just think these as analogous to resistance). When they are in series, the total reluctance of the magnetic circuit increases.

When you have a high resistance in a circuit, it is difficult to pass a high current. When you have increased reluctance in a magnetic circuit, it is difficult to increase the flux and the core becomes resistant to saturation.

When a core saturates, the flux does not increase proportionately and the induced back emf stays low and current increases to a large value. Under no condition core saturation is desirable in a transformer.

For well designed transformer with known AC input and output values we need not use gapped cores because we want the flux to be high but stay under the limit.

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