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HFSS: S-parameter simulation of Connector

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have Step module of board to board connector. To simulate complete circuit, I need S-parameter of this connector. Please help me, how to generate S-parameter model from a STEP file.

send me the step file ...

I am working on client project and can't share any data here. Connector has 12 pins in two row. (Similar as berg strip)

Please, let me know steps involved in S-parameter extraction for such type of connector module.

How can you do a client project if you have no experience in this type of EM modelling?
Do you think this can be learned in two weeks with some hints from EDAboard?

I'm sometime thinking that the Engineering Education Rewinds day by day...
No research,no curiosity,no reading,no digging, nothing...
"Give me a method "step-by-step"...
That's it..

Thank you all, for your kind reply. I know how to simulate the circuit and get the result with S-parameter model. Earlier I have received models for connector also. I have only step file. I know that HFSS can do S-parameter modeling. I'm just beginner in HFSS. I have to learn this tool but this time I need help.

I have created ports and assign excitation at both ends of each pin.

Steps I followed-
- selected one face of the connector pin
- created rectangular shape.
- created port
- assigned excitation with new line creation.

Boundary condition is open.

My question is without any reference (gnd), how this port will work ?

Your connector must have Ground pins right ? In general a port will be connected across a signal and a ground.

In most connectors, there will not be a ground pin next to a signal pin. So, you need to draw a common reference plane and create a port from the signal pins to this reference plane and short the Ground pins to this reference plane.

a *.stp file is a CAD format that describes the geometry of the connector. You need to add material characteristics and then perform an electrical simulation based on your particular problem. s parameters are extracted using the post processor.

Your question about the port might depend on how you plan on using the S-Parameters. If you define signal and ground pins with the ports, then your S-Parameters will be specific to that connector configuration. If your client only cares about that one specific configuration of the connector then that is the easiest option. If you are truly trying to characterize the connector for any configuration, then you would need to have a different port for each pin, that includes the pin and some common reference point (Chassis or something similar). The second setup would produce 24x24 different S-Parameters, that fully characterize the relationship between each pin (24 for each end of the 12 pins). That setup would be a lot harder to get working, but is more complete. You will have to determine what is sufficient for your client.

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